Belt on a Nail
The conceptual underpinnings of the belt on a nail series is based upon the subject of want and desire.
My use of symbolically weighted materials such as candy, thorns, a measuring tape and very large oversized belts and nails express this theme. The comedic girth of these belts slung over large nails speak of indulgence. And, the casual act of taking off the belt and hanging it over a nail – speaks of familiarity and ease with repetition, even to the point of an unconscious behavior or attitude.
The three belts in this series, “Belt on a Nail”, “Black Belt on a Nail” and “Measuring Belt on a Nail” represent the habitual quality in which we change ‘hats’ or in this case, ‘belts’, when the opportunity requires it, speaks volumes about the ever present seduction of power and inordinate authority or dominance.
All three reflect our constant volleying for more, better, and best in our drive for societal positioning and success.
“Belt on a Nail”, the first of this series, makes a statement about unrestrained or excessive consumption and the sometimes direct correlation between visual and actual appetite. This belt, embedded with real Jaw Breaker candies, is sliced in a manner in which the colorful, circular pattern becomes hypnotic and seductive – literal and alluring eye candy.
“Measuring Belt” is a humorous response to the statement “the measure of a man”, where in our society the more one attains and acquires determines that measure.
“Black Belt on a Nail” relates to the highest level of achievement in the marshal arts. In this piece, this hard won honor is reimagined with dangerous black thorns – symbols of deadly power – ridiculously communicating a rather pompous hunger for self esteem based solely on super-sized feats of human accomplishment.